The dialogs module

This module contains some help functions to show file-related dialogs, miscellaneous dialogs, etc. You can of course just use the gtk module to create your own dialogs as well.

dialogs.show_input([title=None[, parent=None[, label_text=None[, default_text=None]]]])

Shows a gtk.Dialog to ask the user for text input.

  • title – The window title for the dialog.
  • parent – The parent gtk.Window for the dialog, for example geany.main_widgets.window.
  • label_text – Text to put in the label just about the input entry box.
  • default_text – Default text to put in the input entry box.

A string containing the text the user entered.

dialogs.show_input_numeric([title=None[, label_text=None[, value=0.0[, minimum=0.0[, maximum=100.0[, step=1.0]]]]]])

Shows a gtk.Dialog to ask the user to enter a numeric value using a gtk.SpinButton.

  • title – The window title for the dialog.
  • label_text – Text to put in the label just about the numeric entry box.
  • value – The initial value in the numeric entry box.
  • minimum – The minimum allowed value that can be entered.
  • maximum – The maximum allowed value that can be entered.
  • step – Amount to increment the numeric entry when it’s value is moved up or down (ex, using arrows).

The value entered if the dialog was closed with ok, or None if it was cancelled.

dialogs.show_msgbox(text[, msgtype=gtk.MESSAGE_INFO])

Shows a gtk.Dialog to show the user a message.


Shows a gtk.Dialog to ask the user a Yes/No question.

Parameters:text – The text to show in the question dialog.
Returns:True if the Yes button was pressed, False if the No button was pressed.

Shows Geany’s Save As dialog.

Returns:True if the file was saved, False otherwise.